With over 60 outdoor ponds that range from small fry ponds to more than 4 acres, the farm is one of the largest in the UK and is solely dedicated to the breeding and farming of carp. All our fish are spawned and reared on our designated fish farm sites, using hand selected broodstock. Customers can therefore be confident that they are purchasing stock with a proven pedigree.
The business is fully licenced by CEFAS as an Aquaculture Production Business and operates five fish farming sites. As part of this we undergo site compliance audits every year from the Fish Health Inspectorate. We have a comprehensive CEFAS approved Bio-Security Management Policy that aims to maintain the health of our fish and to minimise the risk of any disease outbreak or transmission.
All of our production ponds are built on clay soil and are fed with water that originates from catchment areas within carefully managed farm land. This means that we have full control of the water we use, eliminating the risk of pollution, parasites or disease entering from upstream.
A dedicated modern fish holding facility includes our hatchery, stores and holding tanks where some customers come to select their fish when the time arrives.
The careful management of the ponds and their surrounding habitat is vital to give our fish a pristine environment within which to grow. The ponds are routinely monitored for water quality parameters and treated with hydrated lime after each harvest to sterilise them for the forthcoming growing season.